Posts tagged Re:Search
Re:Visit - Shooka And Friends Got The Year Started Off Right!

In true Denver fashion, Euphonic Conceptions came out swinging with their first Re:Search after the holiday break, only it wasn’t on a Wednesday, and it didn’t feel like what we’ve come to expect from our favorite regular weekday night out. It was better. It was only the 2nd day of the New Year, but it had been over two weeks since EC’s community staple event. Preceding the last month or more, the team at Euphonic had been promoting more than just some minor changes to take place in 2020. On Jan 2nd we saw our first Re:Search Thursday, and albeit the day after New Years, Denverites were out and after it and eager to help headliner, Shooka, celebrate his birthday…

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Re:Visit - Lucid Vision and Modern Measure, w/ Gravitrax

It’s always a treat whenever you get to see a double-headliner show and last Wednesday at Cervantes was nothing but delicious with Modern Measure and Lucid Vision.

The crowd was buzzing when Modern Measure stepped on stage, with their fusion of electronic production with perfectly paired live instrumentation.

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Re:Visit - Cofresi, Vibe Street, and Kaptain plus A Few Words With Lucid Vision

Another night of dancing is in the books for weekly Re:Search Wednesdays at Cervantes. This week was none other than the drum-master himself, Cofresi. With local favorite, DJ Mikey Thunder providing the beats for those trickling in from the crisp November air and a lineup consisting of Vibe Street and Kaptain, I already knew it was going to be a special night of music…

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RE:Visit - HUCCI, Great Dane, & More Plus Catch Up With AVRY Before Next Week

Some places just resonate familial interactions, where you can go time and time again knowing you will see friendly faces, as well as meet new people. Cervantes’ is that place for Denver locals, a safe space to hang out with like-minded individuals and hear good music on any given night of the week. Whether it’s the Masterpiece Ballroom or The Other Side, you can bet that there will be an artist or group that you would rather not miss. RE:Search Wednesdays are an exceptional night at Cervantes because the lineups always include local household names, as well as more prominent and recognizable artists. Many people that I’ve talked to during RE:Search nights come on a near-weekly basis even if they don’t know the artists because they can hang out, dance, enjoy the silent disco and more than likely leave with new artists to throw on their playlists. 

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Re:Visit - UltraSloth w/ 5AM & Thought Process

Once again, Re:Search Wednesdays at Cervantes Masterpiece Ballroom proved to be an oasis of cool in these dog days of summer. This week’s flavor included the tasty trio that is UltraSloth in the headlining slot, while 5 AM had us grooving early and Thought Process closed us out smooth.

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Re:Visit - Supertask & Potions Of The Lab Group Blow Denver Away. Get The Full Recap Here Plus Dive In To Next Weeks Epic Show

Re:Search Wednesday is likely the most well known weekly installation around the Denver area. Known for giving the lesser-known, experimental artists some time to shine as well as the artists at the top of their game. You never know what you might find at Re:Search. Popular artists like Kevin Donahue of Sunsquabi often use the platform to try new sounds and side-projects, like last week when Donahue took the stage as his alter-presence, Casual Commander. 

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