Posts tagged 5AM
Preview: The Rust Showcase at Re:Search!

One of the last Re:Search Wednesdays (before the switch to Re:Search Thursdays) features a showcase from The Rust Music featuring 5AM Trio, MALAKAI, and LuSiD (late set) presented by Euphonic Conceptions & Cervantes’ on January 15, 2020. 

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Re:Visit - UltraSloth w/ 5AM & Thought Process

Once again, Re:Search Wednesdays at Cervantes Masterpiece Ballroom proved to be an oasis of cool in these dog days of summer. This week’s flavor included the tasty trio that is UltraSloth in the headlining slot, while 5 AM had us grooving early and Thought Process closed us out smooth.

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Re:Visit - Cervantes' Crowd Got De-Funk Down at This Weeks Re:Search Wednesday

Summer at Cervantes’ Masterpiece is turning out to be one of the hottest spots to hang out in Denver. As RE:Search Wednesdays have gotten more popular, demand for a bigger space continues to become a necessity. For the second week in a row the nights lineup was relocated from The Other Side to Cervantes Masterpiece Ballroom. The ballroom is an ideal spot to encapsulate the energy of the artists, their music and the crowd that packs the space. 

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