Posts tagged music
Doran Seff Is A National Treasure And If We’re Not Careful Nicholas Cage Is Going To Steal Him

Born and raised in Miami, Florida Mr. Seff found his way out to Colorado about eight years ago and credits the innovative spirit that can be found here as a major influence and motivator in his pursuits. When I asked how he felt Denver has contributed to his visionary endeavors he replied “There are lots of creative, talented, supportive people here that consistently remind us that it’s possible for crazy ideas to work. On that some note, it pumped me full of drugs and encouraged all of my more profitable, reliable opportunities to move on without me. I don’t know what the diplomatic answer is.”

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Colorado Live Events Industry to Participate in #WeMakeEvents #RedAlertRESTART On Tuesday, September 1st, 2020

Denver, CO – On September 1st, 2020 from 9 PM – 12 AM MT, venues, buildings, structures, and residences across Colorado will be lit in red as part of #WeMakeEvents, #RedAlertRESTART, and #ExtendPUA’s national call to action, imploring the US Congress to pass the RESTART Act (S.3814) as quickly as possible. The RESTART Act would offer economic relief to the Live Events Industry, which has been shuttered since March, 2020, putting millions of people out of work. Additionally, the movement is to support in their efforts towards continuation and extension of the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance to provide relief to those without work due to COVID-19.

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