Posts tagged quadrivium
Check Out This Week's Featured New Music And Get Your 4/20 Plans Rolled Up Tight

The 2019 summer music season is being kickstarted with a jam-packed 4/20 weekend, full of back-to-back shows and new releases. If you didn’t already request off work months ago and are now realizing that it’s less than a week away, now is the time to start sweet-talking your boss because this is not a weekend you want to miss! This article is your first chance to start marking down your calendars because for a summer that’s expected to be hot and heavy. We’ve had the chance to talk to some of those artists whom also we’ve featured on our most recent bi-weekly playlist. We got the inside scoop about their new music, upcoming events and a little of what goes on behind the scenes.

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Denver’s Dozier Has A New EP You Don’t Want To Miss

QUADRIVIUM is the first installment of a 5-part EP series release, with 5 all-new original tracks. What truly sets this project apart is that each EP goes hand-in-hand with a complete visual aspect in the form of a graphic novel so as to truly engulf its consumer. Each track is essentially a chapter in each mini graphic novel. In the end, Rowan’s world will be an all original story with all original characters, a beginning, and an end. “I just want to create something that people can really live and breath. It’s important for me to make these immersive experiences” said Rowan. “I’ve been dreaming up this kind of multi-verse for a while now, as I’ve always been into writing stories and stuff,” she said when asked about the project origins.

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