Denver’s Dozier Has A New EP You Don’t Want To Miss

In case you only read the first few lines of this story, let’s start with this. Stop sleeping on Dozier! We were lucky enough to feature the Denver producer in our most recent podcast session about some hot topics in Denver’s music scene and needless to say, Alex Rowan (Dozier) brought a very large presence to that small conversation. Somewhere in there, it wasn’t hard for Rowan to convince us to check out her upcoming gig taking place the very next day. For only $10 a ticket, we couldn’t pass up that opportunity to see our new friend strut her stuff. Being so impressed then, we kept in touch and now Rowan is ready to impress some more! This time, with the release of her second EP and we think you’re gonna want to know more about this project. You see unlike what you might typically come to expect from a standard new EP, this project is comprehensive, interactive, and perhaps most intriguingly, just the beginning of something much greater. Greater than Rowan and perhaps the beginning of a greater way we receive and consume the arts.

QUADRIVIUM is the first installment of a 5-part EP series release, with 5 all-new original tracks. What truly sets this project apart is that each EP goes hand-in-hand with a complete visual aspect in the form of a graphic novel so as to truly engulf its consumer. Each track is essentially a chapter in each mini graphic novel. In the end, Rowan’s world will be an all original story with all original characters, a beginning, and an end. “I just want to create something that people can really live and breath. It’s important for me to make these immersive experiences” said Rowan. “I’ve been dreaming up this kind of multi-verse for a while now, as I’ve always been into writing stories and stuff,” she said when asked about the project origins.

It’s clear she drew inspiration from popular sagas like the Marvel Cinematic Universe and she’s wise to do so. The interconnectivity of such a universe is exactly the type of depth she hopes to achieve with her work in the long run. As with most artists, her inspiration runs deep. With Rowan drawing parallels to ancient Hindu stories like Indra’s Net, you can easily tell it’s about more than just putting out as much content as possible, good or bad. For Rowan, it’s about truly connecting with her audience. It’s about giving them something to look forward to. Just like the intricate net of the great god Indra, Rowan believes there’s a connection in all things. This intricate project is simply her way of greater expressing that. We, for one, are all about it. The more we can get from up & coming artists like Dozier, the better!

Quadrivium drops this Friday, and you can look for the other 4 parts to drop one at a time every 3-4 months thereafter. In the meantime, you can catch Dozier throwing down tonight at The Black Box! Tickets can be found here.

Visual recap from Throw Down Thursday @Your Mom’s House (Photos by Jordyn St. Vrain).