Posts tagged FunkStatik
Potent Productions Takeover The Black Box With The Help Of AudioCulture - Full Recap Here

Takeover this, takeover that. Look around Denver’s music scene and you see the word “takeover” quite often these days. Most recently being in lead-up to last week when hometown heroes, Potent Productions took over The Black Box in Cap Hill. Takeover this, takeover that. Look around Denver’s music scene and you see the word “takeover” quite often these days. Most recently being in lead-up to last week when hometown heroes, Potent Productions took over The Black Box in Cap Hill. 

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Check Out This Week's Featured New Music And Get Your 4/20 Plans Rolled Up Tight

The 2019 summer music season is being kickstarted with a jam-packed 4/20 weekend, full of back-to-back shows and new releases. If you didn’t already request off work months ago and are now realizing that it’s less than a week away, now is the time to start sweet-talking your boss because this is not a weekend you want to miss! This article is your first chance to start marking down your calendars because for a summer that’s expected to be hot and heavy. We’ve had the chance to talk to some of those artists whom also we’ve featured on our most recent bi-weekly playlist. We got the inside scoop about their new music, upcoming events and a little of what goes on behind the scenes.

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