Posts tagged The Unified Field
Sonic Bloom 2019 - Get The Complete Inside Scoop Before You Go!

As the pre-week countdown for Sonic Bloom begins, people begin to start packing and getting their arrangements in order. We are here to help by providing some insight on what to expect once you pull up to the festival, as well as how to prepare beforehand. There is so much going on throughout the festival and in the days leading up, it can get overwhelming trying to figure out how to schedule your time. Whether it’s early morning yoga, sustainability workshops, the virtual reality tent or experiencing the magic of performance artists, there will be something for everyone at Sonic Bloom. We are very excited to relay some of the unique amenities and experiences that will be offered.

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The Road To Sonic Bloom Continues: The Unified Field W/ Break Science Recap

Kicking off the night with LowPro’s audio/visual show was a solid choice by the Bloom family last Friday, May 10th for Unified Field: The Official Sonic Bloom pre-party. This is one of the first occasions in which LowPro. has graced the Denver scene with his combined audio and visual board that he has personally fused himself, allowing him to customize his own sound and visuals LIVE. This sort of out-of-the-box thinking and production value is something that rings true in every aspect of the Bloom process.

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