Posts tagged Colorado Sonic Bloom
Sonic Bloom’s Decision To Postpone: Details and Official Statement Here

As of March 29th, the state of Colorado announced its plan for all residents to gain access to the Corona-19 vaccine. Even before that, many venues and promotion companies have found avenues to host live music in safe and profitable ways. Party Guru Productions, for example, brought a novel, “vertical concert experience” to Denver by means of indoor atrium style balconies at a Double Tree hotel. Festivals are beginning to make their comeback. We at SV Media are even hosting an event on April 15th at Lakewood’s Roller City [info for that event here]! For the most part, people are getting that feeling that music is back. All of these reasons make the news from Sonic Bloom this week pretty tough to receive. The team announced via their extensive newsletter, that their 2021 event which has been in question, will indeed be pushed back to 2022.

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