Sustainable Holiday - by P.O.M.E. Global

At SharedViews, we are all about bringing other perspectives to your life to hopefully bring us all a little closer together bit by bit in the end. We are proud to partner with organizations dedicated to similar positive messages and P.O.M.E. Global was one of our earliest official partners. “Product Of My Environment” or “P.O.M.E.” consists of a team dedicated to keeping our beautiful world as clean as possible, and getting the most out of life while doing so. They keep us motivated, inspired, and full of hope as they project their positive message and mega-cool brand-wear onto the world. We hope you get some encouraging advice from their most recent blog on keeping your Holiday season as sustainable as possible!

  • SharedViews Team

Happy Holidays pome’ies! We hope everyone is spending quality time with the ones you love, taking a minute for some rest and relaxation for yourself and eating all of the cookies.

The holiday season is a busy time for most and convenience plays a large factor in the way people prep for it. It can be tough to remember and may take some extra effort, but take the time needed to invest in sustainability during the holidays. We’re in this together! It feels great knowing we’ve made it through the season in the most environmentally responsible way possible. Here are a few easy ways to stay true to sustainable living throughout the holidays:


  • Lights: If you choose to use string lights; opt for LED light bulbs. They’re energy efficient and save you money as well! Unplug the lights during the day or when not in use. It’s a bonus if you have a self-timer on the strand to really help save energy.

  • Gifts: Try and recycle your wrapping paper. Use old newspaper, magazines, or fabric to wrap gifts. If you’re really into it you can carefully unwrap gifts and save the paper. Be conscious of the fact that bags, ribbon and tissue paper can be reused!

  • Christmas Tree: Source a locally grown tree. Get a rooted tree and plant it in your yard after Christmas. This promotes recycling and enhances the quality of your yard. You can also have your tree cut up into mulch for future outdoor projects. Lastly, there are many tree recycling services that will pick up your tree after the holidays. Take full advantage of these recycling services!



  • Leftovers: Share the love and send your guest home with leftovers. About 35% of food is wasted during the holidays.

  • Dinnerware: Try and stay away from PLASTIC! Reusable dinnerware is the way to go. If you have to use disposable cutlery make sure it’s compostable or fully recyclable.

  • Make it easy: Make it obvious which can is for trash, compost and recycling. Try and guide people on the proper bin for each item. It can be tough to catch everyone while you’re having a couple of cocktails BUT even directing one person is better than none. Signs make this even easier.

  • Gifts: Focus on giving more mindful gifts this season especially for children. For example: memberships to the museum or nature center, a science kit, a small tree to plant or plan an upcoming camping trip. Give gifts people can use and make memories with. Material isn’t everything.


  • Volunteer: Donate some of your good fortune and time by helping out at a food bank, hospital, senior center or a veterans hospital.

  • Food: Contact your local shelters and see what food they accept for donations. As a society we waste so much food regularly and even more during the holidays. Donate some of your leftover food to the ones in need if it is allowed in your area.

  • A little extra: For those who have extra items around the house or extra money, donate extra blankets, shoes and other daily necessities to local homeless shelters.

Hopefully this article helps motivate you to keep working hard on creating a more sustainable lifestyle for yourself and others. We are all connected and the act of care has to start somewhere. Why not within yourself during the holidays. Honestly, we are proud of how serious many people have been about making environmentally conscious decisions. Planet Earth is sick and it is a serious issue! Let’s keep the motivation for a better life going strong.

Happy Holidays!