The Future Of Sound Healing Is Here And Sonic Sessions Are Leading The Way!

With 2020 being over, it was for many of us a year of adaptation. I wish that I could go without mentioning the pandemic and all of the changes to “normal” life that can be difficult to grapple, but it’s relevant to pretty much everything still and no matter how you’ve fared through this global crisis, you’ve probably experienced more stress, fear, or frustration, than normal… and that might be putting it lightly. So how have you adapted? What has this crisis demanded of you and how have you responded?

Peterson’s custom sonic session table

Peterson’s custom sonic session table

If you’re like many and are looking for the perfect outlet, therapy, or stress relief, look no further, Sonic Sessions are here. What makes it all possible is the rather unique sonic booth which founder, Soren Peterson constructed himself. As Peterson described, “Considered the next generation of sound therapy, this technology converts low frequencies into vibrational feedback… This allows the user to receive a clean and undiluted layer of bass directly, in the form of vibration. Paired with unique and explorative soundscapes built specifically around this tech, a new dimension can now be added to the musical experience.” The music translated into vibrations is crafted to assist in, “creating space and presence for yourself” and serves as a road map for one's personal and imaginative journey. Combined with the potent Reiki therapy that Soren performs himself, I felt an obvious sense of tension releasing, while experiencing this new therapy for myself. My worries simply, became less so.

The technical terminology is known as VAT - “Vibroacoustic Therapy (VAT) is at the core of my sessions…” said Soren. “…using specific frequencies to help relieve stress, pain, and negativity in clients. The range of 30hz - 120hz, which are very low tones, have the greatest effect on the human body and are delivered as vibrations through my sophisticated sound table or “Sonic Booth”” he continued. The benefits of VAT have been documented in numerous case studies since the 70's, helping reduce stress, muscle spasms, breathing issues, chronic pain, and more. VAT is typically administered in a single tone, to measure with accuracy what works and what does not. [reference: VAT & Chronic Pain -]

Even though your eyes are covered, my experience was highly visual, introspective, and empowering. I think the strongest aspect of what Soren has created is a deeply personal nature that comes along with each session. It is a guided experience, but the trajectory and destination are dependent upon the receiver. For some, it may be a purely sensory experience, akin to a sound bath, or maybe it could become an eye-opening reconciliation of one’s own past. It would be a disservice to this explorative therapy to frame any sort of expectation - making it particularly hard to describe without just saying, “you just have to experience it yourself.” But that’s the truth. You simply MUST experience this unique therapy for yourself. It’s what makes these Sonic Sessions so fun and intriguing. And take it from me, you won’t be disappointed.

When asked, what makes Sonic Sessions unique, Peterson told us, “I leverage my background in modern music production to bring these tones to life. Although these tones are responsible for things like pain management, I believe the emotional connection to music is an essential component to the project. An emotional connection encourages vulnerability, letting our walls down while keeping the brain trained on the moment, creating space and presence for ourselves. I like to think of it like low frequencies are the physical side of this therapy, whereas the musical side nourishes the soul and entertains the mind.” And thus we have one of the best and most personal touches behind Soren’s Sonic Sessions, you are guided through music made specifically for the experience. Music designed by Peterson himself, or rather by his musical producer name, LowPro..

Peterson has consciously been shifting the focus of LowPro., to a new identity now aimed to be less about the creator and more about being a conduit. LowPro., he tells us, should be about someone whose experiences can flow through and transfer to another. Musicians especially identify with this duality, some struggle with it intensely: are you supposed to be creating for you or for others? Wherein lies the authenticity?

For all of us, whatever we may take in and put out into the world, where do we find our authenticity? Where do our desires and ambitions originate? What propels us, what influences us, what realigns us? How do we shake the pressures and the worries… What quiets the roar of an uncertain future? In these times where we’re forced to be apart more than ever, maybe the best thing we can do is delve into ourselves, and hopefully find these answers within. I know that after a Sonic Session, I felt more like myself than I have in a long time.

To try one of Soren’s Sonic Sessions, visit his website here to book and you can refer a friend for 50% off your next session! As per Soren’s request, i’ll leave you with this fun fact; Within our skin lies receptors called Pacinian Corpuscles, that allows us to sense vibration. When these receptors are stimulated by vibration, they convert that kinetic energy into neuro-electric energy, and send signals to the brain that you are vibrating. This signal is in fact "louder" than pain stimuli, overriding pain signals sent to the brain. The result is that vibrational stimulus actually reduces pain!

