SharedViews Media Announces Official Second Home In New Orleans, Louisiana.

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“Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.” - William Butler Yeats

Growth is a strange thing. For some, it can be exhilarating! The unknown excites some people and pushes them to set higher goals and encourages them to achieve their greater potential. Others, however, struggle with the pains that come along with growth, and they’re not to be cast out. Growing pains suck, and without a good support system behind a dream, I don’t know how anyone could survive the pains of growth.

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Well, here we are SharedViews, in our next stage of growth. Since we’ve started this journey we have always had the bigger picture of being able to go out and showcase the beauty of this world beyond our flagship city, Denver. We’re out there looking for the special souls and stories that lie untold, roads that are untraveled, and new heights that haven’t been reached. It’s time to officially announce that we are spreading our roots to a city we’ve always had a deep connection with, The Crescent City, the one and only, New Orleans.

If you’ve ever had the great pleasure of spending some time in New Orleans you probably have felt the magic it possesses. That is what this city is, magic. Every day it allows its residents and visitors to go out and get lost while never feeling like you left home. New Orleans is a shelter for people who don’t know where to go. It is a home to world renown musicians, poets, writers, entrepreneurs, chefs, comedians, photographers, painters, name it and New Orleans has got it in some form.

So, get ready SharedViews family, because we're about to expose this city in a way that has never been done before.

For the time being, please enjoy this video we’ve created, for Bayou Boogaloo in Mid-City, with our good friend David Kraus from Rogue Productions.

An SV family has already started to take place in an FB community page here! Come join us on our journey!

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