Grim Rising: Denver's Spooky Circus Has Us Flipping Out

October is one of the busiest months out of the year here in Denver, jam packed with spooky shows, Halloween events, haunted houses and mazes, apple picking, pumpkin carving, you name it. We have been constant about bringing you coverage of the best music and concerts around the city, but we also try to expand our horizons by sharing some off the grid affairs. Last week I dressed the part and headed to Apex Denver to attend their first ever Halloween showcase, Grim Rising. Circus Foundry is a brand new contemporary ensemble in Denver and they partnered with the APEX team to put on this interactive evening of food, fun and fright! This spooky circus ran for two weekends in October and was a family friendly event that was open to the public.

Before we even entered the venue, a trunk or treat was set up outside so you could fill your pockets with goodies. After stocking up for a successful sugar high, we made our way inside to trampse through the haunted maze. It was clearly directed towards a younger audience, although it was fun to maneuver through the dark, tight spaces as ghosts and goblins jumped out at every corner. Once we found our way to the end of the maze, the room expanded to reveal a small bar, large stage and intimate seating space. We took our seats and as the show began we were transported to a whimsical underworld of acrobatic, juggling, and dancing monsters. The performers partnered with Deep Space Drive-in and Matador Events to incorporate unearthly projections, as well as unique lighting designs. 

Apex is a movement gym in Denver offering a wide array of classes and programs, such as parkour, free running, tricking, juggling, strength, flexibility, aerial, and acrobatics; every class is aimed at promoting physically fit lifestyles. When I spoke to Bethel Lindsley, who runs the aerial program and is head circus coach at Apex, she explained that they coach people to excel in their chosen athletics, inspiring people to become more physically active through play, and they help people attain their fitness goals through natural exercise. I was truly amazed during the hour and a half long performance as I saw insane bodily contortions, dancing on stilts, suspensions from silks and enough flips to make even the audience dizzy. 

Photo by: Sophia Gabrielson (SharedViews Media)

Not only was the event a sensational experience, but was geared toward empowering the local community and giving back as much as they got. Apex and Circus Foundry took all the tips they received from the event and donated them to a local non-profit that builds community gardens at Denver k-12 schools. Sustain-Ed Farms teaches kids sustainability, gardening and nutrition. Lindsley told me how excited they were to support this nonprofit because of their dedication to growing crops that will go to low-income families that do not have easy access to healthy foods. When I decided to cover this event I had no idea that these companies and the people involved were such altruists, using their passions to better the world and the communities they are involved in. It is inspiring to see such passion and humanitarianism that can bring change right here within our local fellowship. 

It was a wonderful afternoon seeing all the children and families gather together to attend, everyone came in such elaborate and imaginative costumes. The performers were truly extraordinary, able to twist their bodies into unnatural positions and stacking atop one another like building blocks. It is impressive to see a group of people who work so well together and clearly have a strong level of trust to lift each other up and know someone will be there to catch them if they fall. Despite the fact that they were all constantly leaping across the stage, as well as in scary costumes and makeup, everyone maintained skillful gracefulness. I watched as all the kids in the audience were in awe of their capabilities. Both Apex and Circus Foundry are very welcoming and care about supporting everyone who comes into the space. All of the performers train or coach at the gym and they always want to encourage people to join Apex and become part of their amazing community.

