Posts tagged Evanoff
EFFN-OFF and Friends Brought Christmas to The Black Box, With a Little Help From Booze and Good Tunes

Holiday cheer is in the air this time of year and may very well be the only kind of contagion most of us want to catch. Good music abounds, bright lights are around every corner, and friends and family are able to come together to reminisce the year coming to an end, as well as celebrate the one in store. Last weekend, yuletide celebrations were in full swing and the EFFN-OFF show at The Black Box was no exception. Our good friends Evanoff headlined the evenings set, preceded by Swivler, Mag, and Xendolinguist. Nothing like an ugly sweater Christmas party and some intoxicating jammin to get your seasonal spirit soaring.   

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The October 'Loud Seekers' Playlist Is Here! Check out Brand New Tunes From Kaptain, Maddy O'Neal, G Jones, Evanoff, And More!

It’s the time of year when we embrace our fears and let our inner darkness and weirdness out for everyone to see. This month’s Loud Seekers playlist curated by us at SharedViews has plenty of dark and weird, but we couldn’t help but include some sweet treats too. So have no fear, we’ve done all the lurking and haunting of the dark clouds of sound to brew up a perfectly possessing potion of a playlist. Yes witch, we got you. Read on below for an inside look into some of the tracks!

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