Posts tagged Black Lives Matter
Policy & Perspective Changes Following The Civil Unrest From George Floyd's Murder

It’s hard to believe that it’s only been two weeks since the murder of, George Floyd, and the rise of protests in cities all across the country. The last fourteen days have been exhausting, heartrending, and eye-opening for many to the aggressive and abusive militarism of many United States’ police officers. The “bad apples” are on display across all social platforms, responding to protests of excessive force with even more excessive force. This isn’t even surprising anymore, nor is the fact these are often peaceful and compliant citizens being assaulted, or worse.

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Meet The Team Amplifying Denver's Voice During Historic Protests!

One topic that caught my attention was in regards to a 20ft trailer which began popping up at organized marches and protests at the end of last week, toting enough sound equipment to turn any gathering into a proper good time, should they desire. So what’s the controversy? “White people need to stop turning these protests into a party!” or something like that. We decided to dig a little deeper and find out who is behind the very noticeable sound and stage.

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Denver Boils Over Amongst Dozens of US Cities In Wake Of George Floyd's Murder

The events which unfolded over Denver, CO, and dozens of other US cities over the last week have been nothing short of a catastrophe. We have, without question, witnessed one of the greatest tragedies of this generation’s time. A conflict of epic proportions between America’s police force and the very people they swore to protect. The following is a synopsis of the events taken place over the past 7 days in my home city, the Mile High City, in response to the death of Minneapolis’s, George Floyd.

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