P.O.M.E Global And SharedViews Cleanup Colfax!



There’s nothing like a little community clean up to wake you up in the morning! This past Saturday, SharedViews teamed up with P.O.M.E. Global (Product of My Environment) to clean up CapHill and it was a hoot of a time.

P.O.M.E.. is an earth-conscious apparel line with their headquarters located here in Denver, focusing on making clothing that is sustainable while also bringing social and environmental progress to the world. Not only is the clothing itself made from recycled and environmentally friendly materials, but everything from their recycled shipping labels to their hang tags made of wildflower seed-paper, hit environmentally conscious right on the nose. Along with manufacturing sustainable clothing, they are advocates for volunteering and charity work. In fact, 3% of every item sold gets donated to a reputable non-profit program.

We had a fantastic turnout for this month’s clean up, two dozen people showed up early Saturday morning to make a difference in our local community. We met at Your Mom’s House and headed north towards Colfax while we cleaned up all the trash we could find within a two hour period, which happened to be a heapful. Along the way, we gave snacks to the homeless and encouraged others to help keep our streets free of trash. It was the most rewarding way to start off the day and talks of more frequent neighborhood cleanups are already on the horizon! Keep your eyes peeled for more opportunities to make a difference in our city, SharedViews and P.O.M.E. will have more cleanup events soon!

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