Cash And Glory Are All On The Line. Get Ready For Denver's Bass Battle This Thursday!

This Thursday our friends at AudioCulture Entertainment are back at it with a much anticipated “Bass Battle”. Smaller, local Denver DJs/producers get the shot to impress the Bass Capital and maybe even win some cold, hard cash! The best part of it all, you can go for free! Enter your name on the guest list here. This event marks the first of many more to come, according to AC owner Diana Mallayeva, who clearly has a passion for “the little guy” and encourages any upcoming producers reading this, to follow along and be sure to apply for the next round.



For this week, the table has been set and the menu looks juicy. Here’s what we have to look forward to. The prize for this week’s winner gets $100 cash money, free Guest List for all AudioCulture shows for a whole year, and an opening spot for the next a main AC show!

Hailing from Denver, CO by way of San Jose, Costa Rica, Wredgie Midz brings a versatile style with many flavors across the board. His passion for bass music from 70-180 BPM keeps him on the constant hunt for hidden gems and spicy tunes. Be on the lookout for this quickly rising Denver favorite!

Photo by Allison Eugster (SharedViews Media)

A Colorado local originally from New Orleans, Louisiana, B47ANCE creates a vibe unique to the moment. With a passion for the power of frequency and vibration, he uses great music as the gateway to explore various emotions and states of consciousness. Understanding that dance is medicine, B47ANCE keeps it flowing with sick beats and unique sounds. Let the music help you find your B47ANCE.

‪"Nicole Isaacson created her alias Jen Esé to be a bass fanatic with an abundant amount of energy, obvious to anyone who listens or sees her play. Delving into the deep sonic sounds of the universe, she creates an experimental bass experience of deep wubz filled with lullabies to drown out reality and take you into her void she calls music."‬

The kid tested, mother not approved, Jameson "JCrok" Croker knows the rules and he isn't afraid to break them. Often creating unexpected mashups between any genre imaginable (seriously), you never know what heaters this Crok has been cooking up behind his sharptoothed smile.

After years of slinking and grooving through crowds at shows across the country, Fixation was born. Fixation is the result of countless hours of obsessing over music. Through her journey with sound, she hopes to create a space where people can dance, move, think, and let go. All to the rhythm and flow of freeform bass and melodic breakdowns.

mIrTyme is Illinois rooted but recently moved to Colorado to pursue his dream with bass music. He uses hip hop acapella and mashes them over melodic, dubstep, and trap styles of music to give a different sense of emotion behind the vocals.

Are you ready for the battle of the year?

mIrTyme Photo by: Taylor Joerger

Photo by: Taylor Joerger



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