Croptober Is Here! You Won't Want To Miss This Cannabis Celebration/Competition

Fall in Colorado has arrived, which means it’s that time of year again for farmers to rejoice as they gather together with family and friends to celebrate the crops which the Ganja Gods were so gracious to gift us yet again, that sweet, sweet, MaryJane. Wait….what?

Yes, it is true, and only in Colorado perhaps, a celebration and competition focused all around the completely legal commodity of Marijuana. Coloradans sure enjoy their weed, but then again, who doesn't? Which is why the event organizer, AJ Hashman has planned and executed almost 150 successful marijuana-based events in his career. This is the first year, however, for this Saturday’s event, Croptober.

With entrants in 3 categories, Flower, Concentrate, and Edibles, judges this Saturday will announce their decided victors to an eagerly waiting, though probably not too worried about it, crowd. With private food vendors, local DJ’s, and plenty of other...good times cough cough… to be had. Attendees are even encouraged to bring their own glass or smoking apparatus. Be warned, however, attendees MUST RSVP for this event. No one will be allowed in at the door, if not on the already approved list. Send a message to for more information on costs and to RSVP.

We asked AJ a bit about his motivation to host this event. We wanted to know what cannabis meant to him or furthermore the legality of the controversial plant. “A lot of my friends were disappointed I didn't hold a 7/10 event” a lesser-known “pot holiday” to celebrate one of the newer sides of the cannabis industry, marijuana concentrates. "After hearing from them about that for a month or so after 7/10 we decided to go ahead and get something together.”

When asked about what legalization of cannabis means to AJ, you get the understanding you’re talking to a real leader in the fight and advocacy of marijuana. “I’ve been fighting for the legality of events and the fact that we still can't hold public events for marijuana even though it’s been legal for years, is a fact that’s driven some of the industry away from this city. It’s driven the High Times Cup away, it’s driven large concerts and festivals away. All who have wanted to come here but are cannabis oriented and now choose to skip this stop on their map because of the negative laws and lack of permitting that Denver has in place for its cannabis events. Even cannabis events without alcohol!” He continued to express frustrations on the confusing rules we’ve come up with, like not being able to have an alcohol permit and marijuana permit for the same event. Also pointing out the difference in the laws and rules when cannabis was purely medicinally legal compared to now where it is recreationally legal as well. “You can’t do a large, public, amazing event where you could potentially raise a lot of money for things like autism-&-cannabis research, or other things I’ve dreamed of making happen but the Denver laws won’t permit it.” We think it's worth noting AJ has been to court and been dismissed at least 3 times due to law enforcement deciding to get involved in his events, always due to ridiculous citations like “too many outlets in the downstairs area for the event."

Although it’s too late to enter your favorite or even homegrown strain, it’s not too late to RSVP for the event. This Denver420event promises to bring industry and consumer together, pinning your local home grower against some of the biggest professional grows in the state. For more information or to RSVP email And if you can't make it be sure to check back here for a complete re-cap on the event.