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SharedViews Mixtape Sessions - Vol. 5 feat. Eschaton

When asked, Tristin Eschaton or ESCHATON, jumped into this mix two feet first. The young producer out of Fort Collins, Colorado even agreed to contributing 100% original content to the mix. Shoot, it was his idea! This is the first artist we’ve featured to bring only his own music to the table. We are beyond excited to release this mix and hope you enjoy it as much as we have. Scope the artist profile below, while you get into this mix.

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SV: Keeping it simple to start you off, tell us a bit about when you started making music. Where were you in your life? What were some of your inspirations?

Eschaton: So my venture into the realm of music began when I was 13. I had been exposed to heavy amounts of electronic music beginning at the age of 8, from my father who had been producing since early 2007! I was super young but super open to what time were brands like Pink Floyd, The Cure, and Radiohead. These artists were the catalyst to my understanding of how to listen to music with an open heart and mind. This allowed me to expand my tastes for artists like Bassnectar, Mimosa, Zilla, EOTO etc. To be honest, I could fill a page about my influences alone but that’s probably for another time.

SV: Tell us about your free time. What do you take pleasure in besides music? Do any of these things influence your creations at all?

Eschaton: Other than music I really enjoy just getting outside and spending quality time with family! I pull a large piece of my inspiration from my family because we are super close and each of us is super creative in our own right. We recently have been blessed with the birth of my baby brother which I can say has definitely had a direct & positive influence on a lot of my music as of late. I am also really passionate about the game of basketball and try to play as much as possible to stay active. Conversation is also a fundamental piece of who I am and something I have always truly enjoyed I love the idea of using communication via music, language, telepathy, empathy or whatever it may be to connect with liked minded individuals. I have always been fascinated by the idea of community and just interconnectedness so if your a person who supports these ideals you can bet I wanna meet you and talk about super weird conspiracies and stuff (lol).

SV: What does your music mean to you? Do you have an ultimate goal with your art? A final destination if you will?

Eschaton: My ultimate goal in music is to simply heal and inspire other’s to chase their dreams. I have always believed music to have a profound impact on healings others and believe that through sound we are allowed an opportunity to connect with each other in a way that is free of social stigma’s, judgment or biases, and stipulations! As far as a final destination goes I’d love to be in a position to give back to the youth and to teach/guide others to create music. My intention is to maximize my role and to give back in as many different ways through as many positive outlets I can as a being.

SV: Any inspiration or direction you decided to take with this mix?

Eschaton: My goal with this mix was to create an omnidirectional experience for the listener. No genres, no set bpm’s just 30 minutes of freeform bass music. My intention is for the audience or listener to use their own judgment when interpreting what my music means to them. Every person has a different emotional response to sounds and I think often times we fall back on genre’s or labels to enforce our view of what the music is or what it should feel like when ultimately music should be free of those conditions. All of the tracks are original cuts so my Inspiration was to cover all grounds and hit on a little bit of everything from good your ole’ fashioned banger to atmospheric meltdowns for my downtempo heads!! 

SV: EP coming in the future? Live performances?

Eschaton: Yes, Live performance jumping off at the end of this month at The Black Box for the KMG takeover! I am going b2b with one of my lifelong friends and fellow artist’s known as Cosine and I can’t wait for it. He’s been crushing with original music as well so if you get a chance check him out and follow him on sound cloud. I have more exciting things in the works that I can’t really speak on quite yet but definitely keep your eyes peeled on Re: Turn Tuesday and Longevity Productions if you trying to catch a show of mine locally!

A lot of the music that is showcased on the mix will most likely be released over the course of a month or two but for now, I’m saving a lot of so definitely catch me at a show to hear my newest tunes! 

SV: Tell us about some of the projects your working on outside of music, if any? Are you a sound engineer? Do you work with other artists often? If so, on what kind of projects?

Eschaton: As far as projects are concerned I have a ton of big collaboration projects in the works one being my side collaboration with Cosine called Cauz & Efekt that I’m super stoked to unveil come 2019! The second collaboration project I have been working on is a father-son duo with The Architect and together we are known as Stage Artist*  Our next EP is in the works and will most likely be out in mid-2019. Also, keep your eyes peeled for StageArtist bookings to come as well.

SV: What vision do you have for the Denver artist scene?

Eschaton: My vision for the Denver music scene is to bridge and merge genres and sounds together. Often times events are categorized by genre and lineup’s are dictated by who the headliner is. I think if Denver wants to keep its reputation as being known as the bass capital of the world than we need to expand by establishing new ‘norms’ amongst relative scene’s or ‘cliques’ by bringing scene’s together and trying new things

SV: Who are some of your favorite up & coming artists right now? Not necessarily inspiration, as much as you enjoy just getting down to?  

Eschaton: Dark Velvet is really crushing as of late and is also a really good dude so go check him out for sure! We also have a collaboration coming out here in 2019 so keep your eyes peeled for that!

Not to mention Literally all my Private Riot homies destroying it: s/o The Architect, Cosine, EvE Oke, Barrett, Set Up Productions 

keep an eye on all of those cats they are definitely all hard working and coming out with freshies!!

SV: What message, if any, do you have for those who may be looking up to you now or looking elsewhere for inspiration?

Eschaton: My message to those looking up to me is just to fight for what you believe in. Never give up on your dreams and always strive to be the best version of yourself possible! Always take risks and stand in your authenticity.  If your looking for inspiration get outside and soak up some sun or hang out with like minded individuals who are passionate about the same things as you. Utilize your resources!

Note from the Publisher:

The SharedViews Mixtape Sessions are a hit! This fun platform is helping musicians & producers get their name out and what’s more, it’s given some inspiration to take their careers to the next level. We thank each of you from the bottom of our hearts for putting so much work and dedication into your art and allowing us to help showcase it! If you’re reading this or listening, be sure to spread the word and give these artists some love with that little heart or thumbs up button next to this mix!

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