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Halfway To Mars Launches New Track & Lands Into New Label

DENVER - July 16, 2019 - Kristofer Artz, known better as Halfway To Mars, is back at it again with a brand new track after launching his very first full-length album, Leaving Earth. His latest track is titled Afterburner and is only available right here courtesy of Artz new management team, Potent Productions. The new single comes at the same time as Artz announces his first official signing with Colorado's popular, Potent Productions, adding to their ever-growing roster of creative talent. “I’ve been feeling the buzz from the new album. It felt good to release so much music that it just kept flowing. Recent events in my life, moving out of boulder where I have been for the last 10 years, relationships falling apart, big life changes, I just needed to be an artist and create and harness my energy the best way I know how and that’s exactly what I did.” Said Kris when asked about the short time between releases.

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Artz is joining the collective alongside names like MIDIcinal, Dozier, and LowPro. All of whom were recently showcased at The Sonic Bloom Music & Arts Festival last month. Artz explains that his music is all about the vibe and the Potent family have that vibe. "Everything about Potent is appealing to me. They are in it for the artist and they prove that with everyone they work with. Their entire team is absolutely incredible and really makes me feel like I’m a part of the family. I can’t wait for their future and my future with them. Expect big things," he said.

With official management and a brand new self-made album under his belt, Artz is on a roll and does not show signs of slowing down anytime soon. Artz stated about the track that it's, "Most definitely the start of something bigger. I'm feeling really good as an artist right now so the thing to do here is just to keep creating. I plan to release a fall EP and roll into another full-length album in the Spring to get ready for the festival season. I feel like the more I create the more people can connect with my vision."


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